Sing an Irish Song the Right Way

Where can you sing an Irish song if you are Irish? This is a complicated question. There are many aspects to Irish music, including traditions and etiquettes. It is important to understand the differences. While the Irish music community is a close-knit one, many non-musicians are confused about how to participate in an Irish session or sing. The first step in learning about these differences is to be educated.

The best Irish sessions are built around music and tunes, not words or lyrics. Instead of people singing along, think about jigs or reels. The session players keep to the original tune and do their best to make the music sing. Although there is the occasional opportunity to sing an Irish song during a traditional Irish music session it is not a common occurrence. These songs are not as well-known and can be sung in Irish, or in the Sean-nos tradition. A real Irish session may not be the best place to sing your Irish folk song.

A local band plays your favorite traditional Irish music. You will have the chance to sing a tune, but not fast. These guys perform for the pub owner to keep the people drinking and eating. You might be offered the chance to sing, but you must be good.

You are searching for a session of Irish singing, a singers session or sungong session. These sessions are set up to allow people to sing their favorite Irish song provided they adhere to a few rules.

  1. They will ask for songs from friends and family to help them run the session. They will also send out invitations to include a song.
  2. You can watch the video and get to know the group. It’s important that you are patient and sing along with at least one chorus.
  3. It doesn’t take a genius singer to sing well. I heard a Cork woman sing a song and she had both the worst voice but the best performance.
  4. You know the words. Nobody wants to have to listen to a new singer in their group who fumbles through songs and makes more excuses than choruses.
  5. Sing a song that you love when it’s your turn to sing an Irish song.

You can have a singing session with your favorite Irish song. You don’t have to look far for a session with a singer. Instead, get together some Irish song lovers and create one at your home.